Temperance   (11)
With Ceaseless Vigilance—Men’s natural appetites have been perverted by indulgence. Through unholy gratification they have become “fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.” Unless the Christian watches unto prayer, he gives loose reign to habits which should be overcome. Unless he feels the need of constant watching, ceaseless vigilance, his inclinations, abused and misguided, will be the means of his backsliding from God.—Manuscript 47, 1896. (Te 19.1) MC VC
Indulged Appetite Inimical to Christian Perfection—It is impossible for those who indulge the appetite to attain to Christian perfection.—Testimonies for the Church 2:400. (Te 19.2) MC VC
The Spirit of God cannot come to our help, and assist us in perfecting Christian characters, while we are indulging our appetites to the injury of health, and while the pride of life controls.—The Health Reformer, September, 1871. (Te 19.3) MC VC
True Sanctification—It [sanctification] is not merely a theory, an emotion, or a form of words, but a living, active principle, entering into the everyday life. It requires that our habits of eating, drinking, and dressing be such as to secure the preservation of physical, mental, and moral health, that we may present to the Lord our bodies—not an offering corrupted by wrong habits, but—“a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God.”—The Review and Herald, January 25, 1881. (Te 19.4) MC VC
Fitted for Immortality—If man will cherish the light that God in mercy gives him upon health reform, he may be sanctified through the truth and fitted for immortality. But if he disregards that light and lives in violation of natural law he must pay the penalty.—Testimonies for the Church 3:162. (Te 19.5) MC VC
Chapter 4—Importance of Christ’s Victory Over Appetite VC
Christ’s First Victory—Christ knew that in order to successfully carry forward the plan of salvation He must commence the work of redeeming man just where the ruin began. Adam fell on the point of appetite.—The Health Reformer, August, 1875. (Te 19.6) MC VC
His first test was on the same point where Adam failed. It was through temptations addressed to the appetite that Satan had overcome a large proportion of the human race, and his success had made him feel that the control of this fallen planet was in his hands. But in Christ he found one who was able to resist him, and he left the field of battle a conquered foe.—Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 16. (Te 20.1) MC VC
Cause of His Anguish—Many who profess godliness do not inquire into the reason of Christ’s long period of fasting and suffering in the wilderness. His anguish was not so much from the pangs of hunger as from His sense of the fearful result of the indulgence of appetite and passion upon the race. He knew that appetite would be man’s idol, and would lead him to forget God, and would stand directly in the way of his salvation.—Redemption; or the Temptation of Christ, 50. (Te 20.2) MC VC
Victory in Behalf of the Race—Satan was defeated in his object to overcome Christ upon the point of appetite. And here in the wilderness Christ achieved a victory in behalf of the race upon the point of appetite, making it possible for man, in all future time in His name to overcome the strength of appetite on his own behalf.—Redemption; or the Temptation of Christ, 46. (Te 20.3) MC VC
We, Too, May Overcome—Our only hope of regaining Eden is through firm self-control. If the power of indulged appetite was so strong upon the race, that, in order to break its hold, the divine Son of God, in man’s behalf, had to endure a fast of nearly six weeks, what a work is before the Christian! Yet, however great the struggle, he may overcome. By the help of that divine power which withstood the fiercest temptations that Satan could invent, he, too, may be entirely successful in his warfare with evil, and at last may wear the victor’s crown in the kingdom of God.—Counsels on Diet and Foods, 167. (Te 20.4) MC VC